About Us
MSE has strong experience in successfully bidding for and delivering large collaborative projects with public and private sector funding. MSE has access to a wide range of expert personnel across a number of disciplines with expertise in project management, technology transfer, supply chain mapping, funding applications, event management, PR and training. The MSE core team are knowledgeable, trusted, professional and passionate about the work they carry out.
MSE is located in the leading maritime Solent region of the UK. MSE aims to stimulate investment by private and public sectors in key areas of 'Blue Growth' such as maritime logistics, marine energy, maritime surveillance and the management of ocean resources.
Since becoming financially self-sufficient in 2010, MSE has successfully built up its project portfolio and international profile within Europe and North America. MSE is internationally recognised as a marine cluster and actively participates within the global Blue Tech Cluster Alliance and European Cluster Collaboration Platform.
Registered Company No. 05511848; VAT No. 100154976.

Dr Jonathan Williams
Founder and CEO
Jonathan holds engineering degrees from Cambridge University, Imperial College (London) and Cranfield University. He is a Chartered Engineer, and Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology. Prior to Marine South East Jonathan was Chief Executive of Marinetech South, a research management and technology transfer business following his early career in the subsea engineering sector. Jonathan has served in several non-executive roles including Board member at the Environment Council.

Simon Powell
Operations Director
Simon spent 18 years as a professional seafarer where he served as a submarine warfare officer and merchant navy officer in a wide variety of ships. Since 2005 Simon has worked for MSE developing and leading a number of UK and European collaborative projects to stimulate innovation within the marine sector, generate growth, improve competitiveness and boost profitability. Simon has specific experience in maritime transport, logistics, security and fuels.

André Cocuccio
Commercial Director
André has over 25 years of experience in maritime technology and navigation safety including leadership roles at Marico Marine and the UK's Maritime and Coastguard Agency. André brings expertise in hydrography and marine data gathering, as well as a deep understanding of emerging technologies, including maritime autonomy. André is a Chartered Marine Technologist and a Fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science, and Technology (IMarEST). He holds degrees in Oceanography and Industrial Geology.

Sarah Johnson
Communications Manager
Sarah has over 30 years' experience working in the UK and international marine industry with particular expertise in PR, marketing, event management, media relations and international trade. Prior to working for MSE, Sarah spent 10+ years at the British Marine Federation as International Trade Director, assisting British companies in developing their overseas trade. Sarah has led the communications activities of MSE since its inception and has experience of leading the communication and dissemination activities of a number of UK and European projects. Sarah has extensive experience in creating communication channels with SMEs, media and other stakeholders.

Jin Sandhu
Jin performs the administration of all MSE's grant-supported projects, including coordination of periodic financial reports and the collating of technical reports. Jin also manages the accounts and tracking of project spend and budgets for MSE.

Nick Lambert
Non-Executive Chairman
Nick is a master mariner having concluded a long naval operational career as the UK National Hydrographer in December 2012. With global connections, Nick is a key thought leader on the Blue Economy potential and technical innovation in associated areas. Nick advises on a wide range of marine and maritime issues through his company NLA International and is Chairman of MSE.
Specialist Associates:

Dr Brendan Webster DIC CILT
Brendan is a leading research scientist, systems engineer, business development manager and programme manager with international experience particularly in the research and development of underwater weapons systems. Brendan has broad experience in maritime engineering, logistics and blue growth.

Gwyn Griffiths
Gwyn is an internationally recognised Ocean Technologist with interests in a number of businesses related to technologies and applications of autonomous marine vehicles with a deep understanding of energy sources and sensors. With a broad understanding of clients' observation and measurement needs and extensive sea-going experience Gywn is well placed to advise on how best to use autonomous vehicles for scientific, commercial and defence purposes.


Builder of relationships and consortia
we put teams together to bid for projects, funding and collaborations. We identify gaps in the market and match ideas and solutions with challenges and funding. We have a comprehensive database of marine businesses and stakeholder organisations whom we regularly communicate with as well as excellent connections with the marine media.

Project management
we have a depth of experience in managing complex, multinational projects and are both a respected project partner and project lead. We work with SMEs, large multi-nationals, European partners, universities, research institutions and sector and cluster organisations.

Catalyst for business investment
we are constantly expanding our portfolio of market-led projects in innovation to promote business growth, employer-led skills initiatives, supply-chain expertise and identification of new market opportunities for businesses.

Facilitator / creator of opportunities
we take emerging technologies and recognise the commercial opportunities and challenges for the marine sector. We can help manage technology risk and facilitate funding access for SMEs. We can help local authorities and sector organisations meet their economic targets through targeted projects.

Trusted partner
we are a trusted and impartial organisation with ideas and contacts that can bring capabilities together to make change and innovation happen. MSE has a proven track record to deliver projects, collaborations and facilitate innovation. The MSE team are knowledgeable, professional and passionate about their work.

we speak at conferences and events based on our breadth of knowledge and experience. We communicate regularly with our database of over 3,200 marine businesses, research organisations and public sector bodies. MSE has built up a number of special Interest Groups in strategically important Blue Sector growth areas. MSE is well respected as an events and conference organiser.