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Posted 2020-11-26 11:26:31 by Admin

Conducted by eight European Clusters, the UFO project's activities will foster collaborations between SMEs from different sectors (SFO / embedded KETs / ICT and emerging industries) and from different countries across Europe. The project will support these collaborations with EU funding thanks to two Open Calls for innovation project proposals.

The UFO project partners invite interested SMEs to one or more thematic ideation sessions covering the six selected industries. These sessions will facilitate the development of new project ideas through virtual discussions and brainstorming sessions using design thinking methodology.

If you are looking at exploring new European collaborations with the potential of getting funding in the end, then we strongly encourage you to register!

The event on Blue Growth will be as follows:

Blue Growth 7th December 2020, 8.00am - 11.00am

To find out more please visit: