INdIGO: Innovative fishing gear for Ocean
Posted 2019-10-30 11:30:50 by Admin
INdIGO: INnovative fishing gear for Ocean

Fishing gear is estimated to represent 27% of marine litter with more than 26,000 km of gear lost in the English Channel area each year. With an estimated lifetime of several hundreds of years, the ...
Posted 2023-03-09 10:45:21 by
Fishing Gear Recycling Guide for ports and harbours published by INdIGO project

The INdIGO European project is working to develop biodegradable fishing gear and to improve the recycling of fishing gear at the end of its life. The project has recently launched its Fishing Gear Rec...
Posted 2023-01-23 18:08:55 by
INdIGO project launches Good Practice Guide for collection and recycling of discarded fishing waste

The INdIGO European project is working to reduce plastic from the fishing industry which might end up in the sea. The project has recently launched its Good Practice Guide aimed at assisting the publi...
Posted 2022-09-30 12:01:51 by
Find out about the development of new biodegradable fishing gear via this video

Find out about the INdIGO project, of which MSE International is a partner, and the work being done to develop biodegradable fishing gear.View the video here which explains why there is a need to chan...
Posted 2022-05-19 10:05:30 by
INdIGO survey finds fishermen ready to try biodegradable fishing gear

More than 200 French and English fishermen took part in the survey conducted as part of the INdIGO project between December 2020 and August 2021. The analysis of the results provides important informa...
Posted 2021-03-16 17:50:21 by
New Fish & Click Citizen Science project to report lost fishing gear at sea and on beaches

Fish&Click is a new app that has been developed as part of the INdIGO project to produce an inventory of lost fishing gear found at sea or on the shore. The recordings of the findings of the public ...
Posted 2022-02-18 14:21:43 by
INdIGO project undertake ageing tests on new biodegradable fishing lines

CEFAS (the UKs Centre for Environmental, Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences), one of the project partners in the INdIGO project (of which MSE International is also a partner) are trying to better un...
Posted 2022-02-18 14:57:51 by
INdIGO project exploring the circular economy for fishing gear

The INdIGO project (of which MSE International is one of the UK partners) is looking at the circular economy for fishing gear which will include the production and consumption model that consists of...