MSE Maritime Surveillance: Earth Observation Interest Group Newsletter July 2021
Posted 2021-07-14 11:08:36 by
Introduction to the MSE Maritime Surveillance; Earth Observation Interest Group Newsletter

Welcome to this newsletter for the MSE Maritime Surveillance; Earth Observation Interest Group which aims to bring together businesses, academics, public authorities, stakeholders and other organisa...
Posted 2021-07-14 11:54:53 by
UFO project funding opportunity for SMEs working in Small Flying Objects technology, deadline 7th October 2021

The UFO project is seeking to support collaborative projects (of 2 or more SMEs) to develop innovative products and services by integrating new technology solutions and know how in the Small Flying ...
Posted 2021-07-14 11:42:20 by
Space2Waves project update

Space2Waves is a project funded by the EU COSME programme which is supporting the acceleration of the global deployment of Earth Observation technologies in blue growth sectors. The project is suppo...
Posted 2021-07-14 11:47:36 by
A second opportunity to get financial support from GALATEA

GALATEA will be launching a second round of innovation Clubs and B2B meetings this September.
Four Innovation Clubs sessions will be organised, one for each GALATEA domain and its challenges, to en...
Posted 2021-07-14 11:45:30 by
NOVExport second innovation acceleration programme launched

NOVExport is a European Project designed to increase the competitiveness of SMEs in the space and digital technologies sector, and to support their internationalization in Latin America’s agricultur...
Posted 2021-06-18 15:09:08 by
13 innovative projects get UFO support with Euro1.5 million funding

The first UFO Open Call for innovative collaboration projects in the field of small flying objects has released details of the 13 projects that have received funding.
MSE International is one of th...
Posted 2021-07-14 11:44:10 by
Copernicus; dedicated to ocean observation and monitoring

The Copernicus Marine Service (also referred to as CMEMS) is dedicated to ocean observation and monitoring.
Copernicus is funded by the European Commission (EC) and implemented by Mercator Ocean In...
Posted 2021-07-14 11:57:31 by
Australian Advancing Earth Observation Forum 2021-2022, 25th August 2021, online

The Advancing Earth Observation Forum has been created to enable everyone to actively engage, contribute, learn, and connect with others in the Australian EO community.
The AEO Forum is billed as a...