SpaceWave finalise their Internationalisation Strategy to accelerate use of Earth Observation in Blue Economy Growth
Posted 2019-03-05 12:48:58 by Admin

Through collaborative working with cluster partners and key technology providers, the project has identified the most promising EO technologies and the most appropriate European and International stakeholders, clusters and business networks to work with in targeted countries. The SpaceWave project is targeting four countries: Australia, Canada, South Africa and United Arab Emirates (UAE) and is addressing markets with high-potential such as; aquaculture, fisheries, maritime surveillance, maritime traffic, coastal protection and hazards, port infrastructures and sea level rise.
The SpaceWave project has identified a number of use-cases that demonstrate both significant market opportunities and European capabilities relevant to those opportunities. The use-cases have identified the Earth observation and other satellite capabilities that are required, and have shown how these will be integrated with other capabilities within maritime information services. A selection of European companies bringing these capabilities has been identified, including a wide range of SMEs active in fields such as communications, data analytics and application development.
The use-cases have also considered both solutions available today and also future solutions potentially available subject to innovation. The existing solutions give confidence that firms will be able to secure international business in the next phase of SpaceWave activity. The future potential also signposts how European firms will be able to reinforce their competitive advantage through innovation. This will be an important feature of building long-term business potential in the rapidly evolving market for maritime information services.
The Internationalisation Strategy has identified a number of tools to support SMEs including training sessions, branding toolkits, study visits, newsletters, innovation clubs, matchmaking missions, and B2B events. The Internationalisation Strategy will also exploit synergies with other programmes and initiatives already launched in Europe including the DG Grow Copernicus Programme, GSA European GNSS Agency, ESA European Space Agency and National Space Agencies.
For more information visit ECCP website or contact the project manager Maude Perier-Camby
The partners in the SpaceWave project are Aerospace Valley (AV), Pôle Mer Méditerannée (PMM), Marine South East (MSE) Limited and the Distretto Tecnologico Aerospaziale (DTA).